India is all set to host the prestigious Miss World pageant this year after nearly three decades. The 71st Miss World comes to India after a huge gap of 27 years, the last one being in the year 1996 and will be held in India from February 18 to March 9, the organisers told PTI on Friday. The pageant will commence with "The Opening Ceremony" and "India Welcomes the World Gala" by the India Tourism Development Corporation (ITDC) in New Delhi on February 20 and will conclude with a grand finale at the Jio World Convention Centre in Mumbai on March 9 which will be streamed and telecast across the world.
The pageant will unfold across various venues, including the Bharat Mandapam in New Delhi and will see 120 contestants from countries across the globe participate in various competitions and charitable initiatives.
The entire event, which will involve participants from over 130 nations, will include a variety of rigorous activities like talent shows, sporting challenges, and philanthropic endeavours- all designed to highlight the qualities that make them ambassadors of change.
Meanwhile, the announcement that Miss World 2023 will be held in India was made on June 8 last year by Miss World Organization Chairman Julia Morley and Miss World 2022 winner Karolina Bielawska in the presence of Femina Miss India World 2022 winner Sini Shetty, at a press conference in Delhi.
"I am delighted to announce India as the new home of the 71st Miss World Final! I have had a great affection for India from the first moment I visited this incredible country more than 30 years ago! We cannot wait to share your unique and diverse culture, world-class attractions and breathtaking locations with the rest of the world," Julia Morley had said in a statement.
Previously, India has brought home the coveted crown six times. The first-ever Miss World from India, Reita Faria won the contest in 1966. Aishwarya Rai (1994), Diana Hayden (1997), Yukta Mookhey (1999), Priyanka Chopra (2000) and most recently Manushi Chillar (2017) are the other Indian winners of the contest.
This year, Miss India World 2022 winner Sini Shetty will represent India at the coveted pageant.