After Kerala police filed a case against Leader of Opposition VD Satheesan for his alleged involvement in the violence that ensued during a Youth Congress march to the state secretariat, Satheesan asserted that the case is an attempt by the Chief Minister to intimidate him. He said, "They are sending young people to jail, and I'm also going to jail with them; I don't have any problem."

On Kerala Police registering a case against opposition leader Satheesan over Youth Congress march violence, LoP Kerala Assembly and Congress leader VD Satheesan said, "They have initiated a case against me...The CM is trying to threaten me, I don't have any problem... They are sending young people to jail, I'm also going to jail with them."

"When they are sending the youngsters of the Congress party and UDF to jail, we will go with them...For the last so many weeks they have been brutally attacking our youth," he said.

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Earlier, Kerala police registered a case against Leader of Opposition VD Satheesan in connection with the violence during a Youth Congress march to the state secretariat.

Kerala police charged the Congress leader under non-bailable sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) for allegedly attacking the police and causing destruction of public property on Wednesday, the police said.

Thiruvananthapuram Cantonment police said over 300 Youth Congress workers have also been implicated in the incident. Among the workers, chief Rahul Mamkootathil, former president Shafi Parambil (MLA), and M Vincent (MLA) are also present.