Swapna Suresh, prime accused in the kerala gold smuggling case, Tuesday wrote to Prime Minister Narendra Modi seeking a CBI investigation in the case. Accusing the Kerala government of harassing her, she said investigation in the case handed over to the National Investigation Agency (NIA) and the Customs department is being manipulated.

In the letter, she requested the PM to grant her an opportunity to meet him and air her grievances. 

"I would like to bring forth to your kind notice that the person who actually committed this heinous smuggling is in fact an IAS Officer, Mr. Shivashankar (principal secretary of the Chief Minister of Kerala). Due to the higher rank of the officials, few employees like me had to withstand the worst of this scam I was simply obeying the orders of my line managers and doing this through the UAE consulate diplomatic channel and had no say in the matters," she wrote in the letter to PM Modi.

She also mentioned how the Kerala government is trying to manipulate the case. "With the influence of the government, the case investigation has been handed over to the Customs and the NIA, who are trying to manipulate and divert the direction. With the influence of the Principal Secretary, the judicial commission has been placed against the ED & Custom."

Requesting a CBI inquiry in the case, she said: "It would be just and fair if Government of Kerala does not intervene in this matter as government officials themselves are prime suspects. Rather, the Court of India shall accept the case and provide justice."

She added: "The scam has been jointly executed with other country's consulate against India."