On charges of sexual assault against him, former Karnataka CM BS Yediyurappa said, "A few days ago a woman came to my house. She was crying saying that there was some problem. I asked her what was the matter and I personally called the police commissioner about the matter and told him to help her."
"Later, the woman started talking against me. I have brought this matter to the attention of the police commissioner. Yesterday police filed a complaint against me. Let's see what happens next, I can't say that there is a political motive behind this," he said.
On Thursday, the mother of a 17-year-old girl lodged a complaint, accusing the senior BJP leader of sexual misconduct during an official meeting on February 2. Subsequently, the police initiated legal action against Yediyurappa under section 8 of the POCSO Act for sexual assault and section 354 (A) for sexual harassment, as reported by India Today, citing sources.
Karnataka Home Minister G Parameshwara said, "Last night around 10pm, a lady registered a complaint against BS Yediyurappa. Police have registered the case. Until we know the truth, we can't reveal anything. This is a sensitive thing as it involves a former CM. I don't think there is any political angle to this. If the distressed woman needs protection, then it will be given."