A day after a Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) case was booked against him, former Karnataka Chief Minister BS Yediyurappa claimed that he assisted a woman who visited his residence seeking help with an issue. However, he asserted that she later began speaking negatively about him. He added that he couldn't confirm whether there was a political agenda behind the allegations.

On charges of sexual assault against him, former Karnataka CM BS Yediyurappa said, "A few days ago a woman came to my house. She was crying saying that there was some problem. I asked her what was the matter and I personally called the police commissioner about the matter and told him to help her."

"Later, the woman started talking against me. I have brought this matter to the attention of the police commissioner. Yesterday police filed a complaint against me. Let's see what happens next, I can't say that there is a political motive behind this," he said.


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On Thursday, the mother of a 17-year-old girl lodged a complaint, accusing the senior BJP leader of sexual misconduct during an official meeting on February 2. Subsequently, the police initiated legal action against Yediyurappa under section 8 of the POCSO Act for sexual assault and section 354 (A) for sexual harassment, as reported by India Today, citing sources.

Karnataka Home Minister G Parameshwara said, "Last night around 10pm, a lady registered a complaint against BS Yediyurappa. Police have registered the case. Until we know the truth, we can't reveal anything. This is a sensitive thing as it involves a former CM. I don't think there is any political angle to this. If the distressed woman needs protection, then it will be given."

Yediyurappa held the position of Chief Minister of Karnataka between 2008 and 2011, briefly in May 2018, and once more from July 2019 until 2021.