A 12-year-old boy named Parinav, who went missing after leaving his coaching center in Whitefield, Bengaluru, on January 21, has been found in Hyderabad with the help of social media. Parinav is a student at Deens Academy, Gunjur Branch. The police, relying on CCTV footage, tracked the missing boy, but he had moved to another location by the time they reached.
Following this, the search by police reached a dead-end at the Majestic bus station, a central hub connecting Bengaluru to various parts of the state and other regions. From here, social media had played a crucial role. While some volunteers offered to go to Majestic physically, others utilized their strength – sharing posters of the boy online.
Early Wednesday, a resident of Bengaluru visiting Hyderabad noticed a boy who resembled the pictures on her phone, traveling on the same metro. She approached him and, to the relief of his family, friends, and all those engaged in the search, the boy confirmed his identity. Authorities detained him at Nampally metro station in Hyderabad.
“We ourselves don’t know the exact details of how he ended up there. We are now rushing to Hyderabad to pick him up, will update once we know all the details. But I really want to thank all those nameless strangers who helped us in finding my boy. Without his picture being splashed all over, the person in Hyderabad would never have thought to stop a boy and ask,” said Sukesh, Parinav’s father, a software engineer residing in Whitefield, as per a report on PTI.