Karnataka police Tuesday detained several Karnataka Raskhana Vedike (KRV) workers, who staged a sit-in protest at Hire Bagewadi in Belagavi. The workers have also pelted stones at a truck that has Maharashtra registration and tried to stop the truck.
Earlier on Tuesday, the Belagavi police halted rally done by KRV activists and workers and stopped them from entering Belagavi city. Nearly 400 KRV workers from Dharwad planned to enter Belagavi on 100 vehicles, but were halted at the Hire Bagewadi toll gate, said The Hindu report. The police reportedly asserted that the KRV workers wouldn't be allowed into Belagavi and take part in a protest rally.
Also read | Karnataka Rakshana Vedike Activists Stage Protest Near Belagavi Amid Border Row - SEE PICS
Amid Maharashtra-Karnataka border tensions, earlier on Tuesday, Belagavi district and city police have intensified security arrangements in the wake of a supposed visit of a delegation from Maharashtra.
According to sources, six KSRP contingents in Nippani Taluk. Five DR squad, 450 policemen were assigned to Kuganolli Chak Post. One SP, One Additional SP, three DSPs, five PIs, 30 PSIs. Appointment of 450 police personnel. Naka bandhi for 21 chak posts in Chikkodi sub-division. Belagavi police said over 1,000 police personnel.
The police had earlier halted the KRV activists and had detained the outfit's president TA Narayana Gowda. Earlier, Gowda said that he would hoist the Kannada flag across Belagavi. He also said that he would hold meeting with Kannada organisations to counter Maharashtra Ekikarana Samithi (MES).