Chennai: Five including a priest were arrested by Karnataka police for performing sorcery in a house and for forcing a woman to sit naked to complete the rituals. The black magic rituals were reportedly performed to unearth the buried treasure in a house in Karnataka's Ramanagara. The woman and her four-year-old daughter, who was brought to give human sacrifice, were later rescued. 

It all started in 2019 when Srinivas -- the woman's husband -- travelled to Tamil Nadu to attend a wedding. Then he came in contact with the Shahikumar, the priest and the culprit, in the black magic case. Later in early 2020, Shahikumar made a visit to Srinivas' house in Karnataka's Bhoonhali. The house was built 75 years ago and more so the priest informed Srinivas that there was a hidden treasure inside the house, according to a report in the Times of India.

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According to an ABP Nadu's report, The priest chose a room in the farmer's house to perform the rituals. He said that the treasure would be revealed automatically if the naked woman was made to sit in front of him during the puja. He also insisted that the woman must belong to the Srinivas family.

However, locals informed the police about the suspicious activities of the priest and his followers. Police later arrived at the spot and rescued the woman and the woman's four-year-old daughter. Five people including the Shahikumar were arrested in this connection.

The woman's four-year-old daughter was reportedly brought to the scene for a human sacrifice during the search for the hidden treasure. But Ramanagara Superintendent of Police S Krish denied the allegations.