'PayCM' posters along with a QR code with the photo of the Karnataka Chief Minister Basavraj Bommai in several parts of Bengaluru on Wednesday. The posters were similar to advertisements of electronic wallet Paytm.

Bommai ordered an inquiry into the matter and called it a "pseudo campaign" that maligned the image of Karnataka, PTI reported.

"It is a systematic conspiracy to spoil my name and also Karnataka. I have directed the officials concerned to book a case. We will get it investigated to find out the people behind it," Bommai told reporters in Bengaluru.

"This is a baseless campaign in social media. Everyone knows how to do such things. Also, people know who is running the campaign. These are pseudo campaigns, which have intensified only recently. This has no value," the CM further said.

The posters carried Bommai's picture in the middle of the QR code with the message "40% accepted here". The posters were removed from the the public places by the authorities soon after the matter came to light.

Scanning the QR code on the posters takes the user to the 40 per cent 'sarkara' website launched by the Congress for bribery related complaints.

The QR code affixed on the posters will take the users to the ‘40 percent commission Sarkara’ website that was launched by Congress recently for the complaints.

The development comes in the midst of an aggressive campaign against the BJP government ahead of the Karnataka elections by the Congress. The Congress has charged the Bommai government with corruption in awarding public contracts and government recruitment.

Recently, a contractors' body alleged that contractors had to pay 40 per cent commission to get public works contracts. The allegation was strongly denied by the Karnataka government.

The BJP alleged that the posters were the handiwork of Congress. "It's undoubtedly the handiwork of the Congress. Already Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai has ordered an investigation and booked cases against those involved in this mischief," BJP state media cell in-charge Karunakara Khasle told PTI.

He said the BJP state unit had also appealed to the CM to expose those who were behind this act. Khasle dared the Congress to submit proof of corruption or else apologise to the government.

Meanwhile, sources in the Congress, requesting anonymity, said that some party workers might be behind the "poster campaign".

(With PTI Inputs)

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