The Karnataka Legislative Assembly was thrown into chaos on Thursday as allegations and counter-allegations flew between the government and the Opposition over a bus driver-cum-conductor's suicide attempt. Former Chief Minister and BJP leader Basavaraj Bommai accused Agriculture Minister N Chaluvarayaswamy of being responsible for the driver's desperate act, reported news agency PTI. Bommai called for an impartial investigation into the matter and demanded the minister's resignation, citing previous instances where resignations were tendered under similar circumstances.

The BJP leader cited the case of deputy superintendent of police M K Ganapathy, whose suicide in 2016 led to the resignation of then-Home Minister K J George, who was implicated in the officer's allegations. Bommai also highlighted the resignation of BJP minister K S Eshwarappa following a contractor's suicide and accusations of demanding commissions, the PTI report stated.

Former Karnataka CM and JD(S) leader H D Kumaraswamy slammed the Congress government over the incident as it occurred merely 50 days after it came to power. He pointed out a pattern of government officers and employees being threatened with removal or transfer, especially with the upcoming Panchayat elections in certain regions. Kumaraswamy revealed that the KSRTC employee's wife, a Panchayat member, had faced undue pressure, leading to her husband's drastic action. He alleged that the employee had accused Minister Chaluvarayaswamy of orchestrating his transfer, citing the 'suicide note' as evidence.

As tensions escalated, Energy Minister K J George entered the fray, mentioning the clean chit he received from the CBI that investigated the Deputy SP suicide case. George criticized Kumaraswamy for failing to apologize for defaming him and challenged him to make the evidence in his possession public. Kumaraswamy, in turn, questioned the minister's fear of a pen drive that he had displayed during a media interaction on July 5, claiming it contained evidence of widespread corruption through the "transfers and postings business" within the government.

The heated exchange between the ruling Congress MLAs, the opposition BJP, and the JD(S) led to uproarious scenes, with accusations of collecting "commission" adding to the commotion. Unable to restore order, Speaker U T Khader adjourned the House.

According to news agency ANI, Karnataka Home Minister G Parameshwara responded to the allegations, saying: "Senior police officers and officials from the transport department will conduct an investigation and submit a report on the issue that was raised by HD Kumaraswamy related to the alleged suicide attempt of a driver in Mandya."