Karnataka Deputy Chief Minister D K Shivakumar hinted at an influx of leaders from opposition parties into the ruling Congress withholding details on this purported development. He suggested the potential inclusion of "rebel" BJP MLAs S T Somashekar and Arabail Shivaram Hebbar into the Congress fold. He further affirmed the potential for other people to join the party when questioned.

Regarding the specific number of potential entrants from other parties, the state Congress chief deferred discussion, emphasizing a directive to local party workers to welcome those eager to join and uphold party values. 

When pressed about the possible inclusion of MLAs from other parties, he maintained stating, "How can I divulge the secrets?" 

Notably, Hebbar, the MLA from Yellapur, abstained from voting despite a party whip, citing health reasons, while Somashekhar, the MLA from Yeshwanthpur, voted in favor of Congress based on "conscience" during the recent Rajya Sabha polls in Karnataka, causing a setback for the BJP.

Somashekhar and Hebbar have a history with the Congress, having been part of the party before. They were among the 17 legislators from Congress and JD(S) who resigned, leading to the downfall of H D Kumaraswamy-led coalition government in July 2019. Subsequently, they contested and won by-elections on BJP tickets, serving as Ministers in the subsequent BJP-led government.

Deputy Chief Minister Shivakumar and several other Congress leaders have previously asserted the likelihood of more BJP and JD(S) leaders defecting to their party, particularly in the lead-up to the Lok Sabha elections.

Last year, Former Karnataka CM Jagadish Shetter joined BJP from the Congress. Following this, DK Shivakumar accused the senior leader of betraying the party. Shivakumar further claimed that Shetter had opposed the BJP's ideology until recently.

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