In Vantamuri village of Belagavi district, police reported on Wednesday that a woman was paraded naked seven months ago. The incident came to light only after the survivor's daughter filed a complaint. The incident was allegedly carried out since the woman questioned an encroachment on her government-allotted land. 

A video showing a woman allegedly being paraded naked seven months ago surfaced online prompting a police investigation, the police said, as per a report on PTI.

The investigation was initiated following a complaint lodged by the victim's daughter on Thursday, according to police.

The police said the alleged incident occurred on July 31, 2023, when the survivor and her son were beaten up by her rivals for questioning the encroachment of half an acre of land on the three acres of land allotted to her by the government, said the report.

The complainant said that the accused not only paraded the woman naked and assaulted her family but also threatened her with severe consequences. 

The incident came to light on Thursday when the victim's daughter filed a complaint. Following this, senior officials from Belagavi district reached the village and conducted a thorough investigation.

Similarly, a woman was assaulted following her son's elopement with a girl from their community in Vantamuri village of Belagavi district on December 11, 2023. 

The girl, Priyanka Basappa Naik, the prime accused's daughter, was set to be forcefully engaged to a man from a politically influential family. However, a day before the betrothal ceremony she eloped with her lover from Vantamuri village. Angered by this, Priyanka's family attacked the lover's house and his mother. 

Following this, a group of individuals reportedly stripped, paraded naked, assaulted and tied the 42-year-old woman to an electric pole in the taluk. 

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