Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal approved a proposal on Tuesday to establish a public holiday on September 8-10 in honour of the G20 Summit, according to authorities, news agency PTI reported. All schools, Delhi government and Municipal Corporation of Delhi offices offices will now remain closed for three days.

All commercial and business entities, including banks and financial institutions, located under the jurisdiction of the New Delhi police district would also stay closed from September 8 to 10, according to the plan approved by the chief minister.

Speaking with PTI, an official stated: "The file on the police proposal was forwarded by Chief Secretary Naresh Kumar to the Delhi chief minister for his approval. After the chief minister's approval, it will be sent for the LG's nod."

On August 18, Special Police Commissioner Madhup Tiwari of the Delhi Police wrote to the chief secretary, requesting that the government declare a public holiday from September 8 to 10 and issue instructions for the closure of commercial establishments, primarily in the New Delhi area, in anticipation of the G20 Summit.

With fewer than three weeks until the G20 Summit in Delhi, city officials said on Sunday that they want to construct a thematic park to celebrate India's chairmanship of the group prior to the huge event. The G20-themed park will be built on the site of an existing one in Greater Kailash 2's M Block.

"The park will have the logo of the G20 made in an artistic style, besides other artwork. It will also have stone sculptures of elephants and other animals to add to the charm," a top Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) official said.