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What is the complete address of Bank Of Baroda NUNGAMBAKKAM BRANCH branch in Tamil Nadu?

The NUNGAMBAKKAM BRANCH Branch of Bank Of Baroda is located at Nungambakkam Branch,pb 3312,32,nungambakkam High Road,chennai 34,600034 in Chennai district of Tamil Nadu. Following is the complete address of Bank Of Baroda NUNGAMBAKKAM BRANCH Branch: Nungambakkam Branch,pb 3312,32,nungambakkam High Road,chennai 34,600034, Chennai, Tamil Nadu.

How to find IFSC Code of NUNGAMBAKKAM BRANCH branch?

NUNGAMBAKKAM BRANCH Branch IFSC Code is BARB0NUNGAM, this branch is located at Nungambakkam Branch,pb 3312,32,nungambakkam High Road,chennai 34,600034. The IFSC stands for 'Indian Financial System Code' this code is important for any bank related transactions to be carried out online. You will be prompted to use the IFSC code for National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT) or Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) or transacting through IMPS mode. NUNGAMBAKKAM BRANCH Branch IFSC Code helps in identifying a particular bank branch and all bank branches are provided with a unique 11 characters code. The letter ‘C’ in IFSC code represents the code but in common parlance it is called IFSC. The same IFSC code is given to a single branch of a bank. The first four digits of the IFSC represent the bank and last six characters represent the branch. The fifth character is zero.

What is the IFSC Code for Bank Of Baroda, NUNGAMBAKKAM BRANCH, Tamil Nadu?

The 11-digit alphanumeric Indian Financial System Code (IFSC) for the NUNGAMBAKKAM BRANCH Branch of Bank Of Baroda is - BARB0NUNGAM.

What is the MICR Code for Bank Of Baroda, NUNGAMBAKKAM BRANCH, Tamil Nadu?

The 9-digit alphanumeric Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR Code) for the NUNGAMBAKKAM BRANCH Branch of Tamil Nadu is - 600012010.


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