New Delhi: Kanpur Health Department on Monday informed that in a surge of the Zika virus cases in the city, around 89 people including 17 children were tested positive for the virus, Reuters reported.

"There has been a surge in cases of the Zika virus and the health department has formed several teams to contain the spread," Dr Nepal Singh, chief medical officer of Kanpur district was quoted by Reuters in its report.

He further informed that there is one pregnant woman and "we are paying special attention towards her."

In recent years, cases of the Zika virus has been reported across various Indian states. However, Uttar Pradesh's top bureaucrat for health and family welfare, Mohan Prasad, informed Reuters that it is the first outbreak of the Zika Virus in the state.

With the first case of Zika Virus being reported on October 23, 2021, in the industrial city of Kanpur, various other cases have been added to the list since then.

"People are testing positive because we are doing very aggressive contact tracing," Mohan Prasad was quoted by Reuters in its report.

Stating the precautions being taken by the authorities, Dr Singh said, "Authorities were increasing their surveillance of the outbreak and eliminating breeding grounds for the mosquitoes that transmit the virus."

"Out of the 89 infected people, 55 are men and 34 are women. Among these, 23 are those having age below 21 years. Of the total infected people, 12 are Indian Air Force (IAF) personnel. This includes 11 men and one woman," the district magistrate was quoted by PTI in its report.

Earlier on Sunday, as many as 13 people had tested positive for the Zika virus. One case was also reported from the neighbouring Kannauj district.

(With inputs from Agencies)