By Dr. Dhanya Chandran

World Mental Health Day 2023: Our typical day begins at 6 am with a routine that's familiar to many: waking up, savouring that first cup of coffee, embarking on a refreshing morning walk, and perhaps indulging in some yoga or opting for a little extra sleep. But it's not just us who start the day like this; our gadgets do too. If we take a closer look at each of these moments, we'll find ourselves hitting the snooze button on our smartphones, checking for WhatsApp messages, plugging in our earphones before the walk, engaging in FaceTime conversations with loved ones oceans away, all while meticulously tracking our calorie intake on a health app and enlisting the help of ChatGPT to craft that tricky letter requesting a raise from the CEO. It's a dance of digital and real-life routines, seamlessly woven into our daily lives.

The digital era is definitely making it easier for us to navigate through the ever changing, fast paced world. Imagine standing in those long queues waiting to pay your telephone bills! Most of our real connections are kept alive through reels and snaps; we may meet our best friend only next year when she comes down on a two-week annual vacation from the UK. What would we do without internet banking, UPI, home delivery apps and our smartwatches?

The advent of the internet in the 1960s (1990s in India) happened alongside a rising corporate culture and subsequent production boom across the globe. Suddenly, the world was a smaller place to be in, and definitely much more fun with the currents of social media. We are constantly bombarded by news, ideas, events, messages and much more. Increasing number of people sense an overwhelming worry of not being ‘in touch’ (hey we even coined a term FOMO for that!), leaving them feeling outdated, left out and therefore not good enough. But, is it humanly possible to stay tuned in to so much happening around us? Are we going to use all these tidbits after all?

The information overload along with the urge to stay abreast of it all can be a dangerous combination. The human brain is constantly engaged in processing and filtering information, while struggling to keep up with various everyday chores alongside. In the long run, this can place a huge strain on our resources. We may notice it only when we/others experience some/many signs like repeatedly checking our phone for texts, always keeping busy, repeatedly scrolling through our social media feeds, feeling incapacitated without digital help, not being able to stay in the present moment, sleep disturbances, feeling frustrated, irritated etc. It is only fair to ourselves that we choose wisely and find a balance between the digital world and our inner world.

Balancing our digital lives is essential, albeit easier said than done. Achieving equilibrium involves recognising our needs, similar to how a cyclist maintains balance while moving forward. Here are some practical tips to help you find that balance:

10 Ways To Find Balance In Hyperconnected World   

1. Limit Digital Usage Willingly: Set boundaries on your digital consumption to create a healthier relationship with technology.

2. Take Care of Your Body: Prioritize physical health by eating well, getting enough sleep, engaging in moderate exercise, and staying hydrated.

3. Build Non-Digital Connections: Invest in real-world relationships by playing sports, developing new hobbies, and nurturing personal interests.

4. Prioritize Values and Connections: Assess the quality of your online interactions and choose your digital connections wisely.

5. Put Active Effort into Deepening Connections: Invest time and effort in building meaningful relationships, both online and offline.

6. Self-Awareness: Recognize your motivations for using digital devices and be mindful of your tendencies.

7. Practise Mindfulness: Incorporate practices like yoga and mindfulness to help you stay present and reduce digital distractions.

8. Quality Time with Yourself: Allocate moments for introspection and personal growth.

9. Start Small: Gradually reduce digital engagement rather than attempting to go cold turkey.

10. Mind and Emotion Wellness: Practice self-compassion and be kind to yourself in your digital detox journey.

Healthy digital detox is crucial in today's fast-paced digital era, helping us find equilibrium between technology's benefits and our mental and physical wellbeing. By establishing clear boundaries between our online and offline lives, we preserve our self-worth and maintain control over digital interactions. While technology offers opportunities for growth, it's essential not to let it consume us. Saying goodnight to our devices, including Alexa, reminds us to disconnect from the digital world and reconnect with our inner selves, fostering a balanced and mindful relationship with technology.

The author is consultant, Clinical Psychology, Amrita Hospital, Kochi.

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