World Cancer Day: There is no greater wealth than good health. Often it is said, good health is like thousand blessings, but for the last two years, nothing else is being talked about in the world except diseases and ailments. Leave alone fitness, the biggest achievement is to stay alive and in a pandemic situation, especially for those who are suffering from diseases like cancer. It becomes all the more complex for that person.

A recent study has shown that blood cancer patients have a 57 percent higher risk of contracting Covid-19 than other types of cancer. According to the National Cancer Institute, people with blood cancer may have a higher risk of infection and death from Covid-19 in the long run than cancer patients with solid tumors.

Covid-19 Infection Poses Greater Risk To Blood Cancer Patients

According to the research, blood cancer patients had a 57 percent higher risk of Covid-19 than patients with other types of cancer. Even in this, patients with blood cancer or leukemia, myeloma are the most vulnerable.

In these times of a pandemic, everyone is in a difficult position, but cancer patients are the worst affected. Due to the covid-19 pandemic, even their treatment and care of cancer victims have undergone a change.

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In this regard, Dr Rajit Chanana, Consultant, Medical Oncology, Dharamshila Narayana Superspeciality Hospital, Delhi, said that along with cancer patients, their caregivers also need to be cautious so as to reduce the risk of coronavirus infection.

In this regard, the research conducted by virologists at the Mondfour Medical Center in New York, USA, on cancer patients is commendable.

Cancer Patients Should Take Special Precautions

As a sample for the study, 218 Corona-infected cancer patients were kept under close observation. During the study, 61 patients died of the infection in just 20 days. This figure is 28% of the Corona-infected cancer patients included in the study, while the death rate from Corona in the US during this period was only 5.8%.

Dr Abhishek Shankar, who started the department of preventive oncology at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, says that cancer patients need to take extra precautions instead of being scared or panicky in the case of Covid. Treatment methods such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy affect the immunity of patients, and thus in such a situation precautions and instructions for both the doctor and the patient increase.

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His advice to cancer patients is to follow the rules related to Covid completely and consult a doctor if there is any kind of discomfort. Not going to the hospital due to the fear of infection can increase the risk, in such a situation, it is necessary to visit the hospital by taking all the precautions prescribed for Covid and get the treatment on time.

According to the National Cancer Institute of America, people who have been treated for cancer before, i.e. undergone chemotherapy, etc, should take special precautions.

According to Dr. Indu Bansal, Radiation Oncologist, Narayana Superspeciality Hospital, Gurugram, "Cancer patients have low immunity, so they need to be more careful.

Dr J B Sharma, HOD and Senior Consultant, Medical Oncology, Action Cancer Hospital, Delhi, said that in fact, after treatments like chemotherapy, the immunity of a person weakens. 

Cancer Patients Should Take Covid-19 Vaccine On Doctor's Advice

Chemotherapy reduces the formation of white blood cells (WBC) in the body, which are the major constitutes of the body's immune system. One important thing is that some people are confused or not sure about whether blood cancer or other cancer patients should get the anti-covid vaccine or not.

According to doctors, the vaccine provides protection to the body in every possible way, in such a situation, there should be no uncertainty about getting vaccinated with the advice of your doctor.

Experts believe that now we have to get into the mode of living with this disease, but most importantly, it is essential to keep alive the spirit of living. If you remember that you are not the only one who has to fight this disease and that a cure is possible, then the fear will definitely subside.