Remove Double Chin and Face Fat: Many people are unhappy with looking chubby around their neck and face. Besides weight gain, fat can accumulate on your face and neck because of aging.
Double chin, facial fat, and fat around the neck can also be an outcome of thyroid and heart diseases. However, with respect to simple weight issues, you can tackle the issues by exercising.
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Here are the exercises you should follow for the face and neck:
Neck Stretch Exercise - You can do this exercise to make the neck thinner. Lay down on your back with a mat on the ground. Now lift the neck slowly while inhaling. Then exhale and move the neck downwards. You can do this exercise 10-15 times every morning and evening.
Chair Exercise - You can do this exercise by sitting on a chair. First, sit straight on a chair. Now place your straight hand directly on the shoulder with the hand and place the opposite hand on the head. Now bend the neck slowly down. Wait for a few seconds and rotate the neck like a clock.
Brahma Mudra Exercise - For this exercise, sit straight on the chair and place your hands on your thighs. Now move the neck backward. Then rotate the neck left-right. Finally, bend the head down for 10 seconds and then rotate the neck clockwise.
It is very important for you to keep yourself fit. The calories you consume daily are also very important. Include plenty of water, include fruits and vegetables in the diet.
Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the methods and claims mentioned in this article. These points should be considered as suggestions only. Kindly consult a doctor before following any of the above-mentioned treatments, medications, or diet.