The death toll from the spread of the novel Coronavirus in the United State surpassed 2-lakh mark on Tuesday with a total of 6.8 million people known to be infected from the deadly virus since its outbreak earlier this year. According to the figures provided by the Johns Hopkins University, the US has had the the world's highest official death toll for months. ALSO READ | Every American Will Get Covid-19 Vaccine By April 2021 Says US President Donald Trump

An AFP report mentioned that overall the US accounts for four percent of the world's population and 20 percent of its recorded coronavirus deaths.

Last week, President Trump said that the US will produce enough coronavirus vaccine doses for "every American" by April 2021. "As soon as the vaccine is approved, the administration will deliver it to American people immediately. Hundreds of millions of doses will be available every month and we expect to have enough vaccines for every American by April," said Trump.

The president had earlier said that Covid 19 the vaccine could be ready within a month. There is fear that rump is putting pressure on the scientists and government health regulators to approve a vaccine to improve his bid to be reelected in the November elections.

ALSO READ | India Overtakes Brazil, US To Record Highest Number Of Covid-19 Recoveries In The World

President Donald Trump's administration has been repeatedly criticised by several world leaders over its handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. It is to be noted that US will soon undergo elections for the US President. The Trump administration facing the public heat over failure to handle the COVID-19 crisis may affect the vote bank ahead of the November 3 election.