The Indian state of Thiruvananthapuram confirmed two cases of Norovirus on Monday. The two infected persons are primary school children studying in Thiruvananthapuram, the capital of Kerala. The mid-day meal served to the children is believed to have to have caused the infection, media reports said.

What is Norovirus?

Norovirus is an extremely contagious virus which causes diarrhoea, vomiting, stomach cramps and fever. Although the virus does not last in the body for more than two to three days, it can make anyone dehydrated and can have severe effects on the infected person. Since the virus impacts the gastrointestinal system, it is also referred to as a 'stomach bug' or 'stomach flu'. “One can get Norovirus infection several times in their lives as there are different types of this virus and infection from one, does not provide protection from the rest of them” the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said on its website. 

Causes Of The Disease

The virus is severely contagious and is spread through the consumption of contaminated water or food. One can even catch it by coming in contact with an infected person. Touching contaminated surfaces and touching your mouth with unwashed hands can also lead you to catch the virus. Food grown in contaminated water also results in the spread of the virus. 

Symptoms Of The Disease

An infected person might suffer from diarrhoea, vomiting, headache, stomach cramps, body ache or even fever and chills. The loss of fluids could even cause severe dehydration because of which patients might have to be administered with rehydration fluids through drip or other methods. The symptoms may appear within 12 hours of exposure to the virus or can even come after a day or two. 

The Minnesota Department of Health has confirmed that sometimes infected people might not show any symptoms at all but they can still spread the virus.

Who Is At Risk?

Although this virus can affect anyone, young children, old people and the ones with weak immune systems are at risk of contracting the virus. Thus, they should keep themselves hydrated at all times. 

Prevention Of The Disease

People must wash their hands at regular intervals of time, have nutritious food and stay in a clean environment in order to prevent themselves from getting infected. One must thoroughly wash fruits and vegetables before consuming them. If one is facing any of the symptoms associated with Norovirus, they should stay at home. 

They should not cook meals for anyone, and must proper rest and stay hydrated.