New Delhi: The Indian government is in talks with the American pharma company Johnson & Johnson regarding their single-dose coronavirus vaccine, NITI Aayog (Member) Health Dr. V.K. Paul on Friday informed.

“We are in talks with Johnson & Johnson regarding their single-dose vaccine. Their vaccine is being produced outside,” he said while addressing a routine health briefing on Covid-19. Dr. Paul added that "as per the plan, this vaccine will also be produced in Hyderabad’s Bio E”.

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The remarks of India’s Covid Task Force chief come as Johnson and Johnson had earlier in a statement said the company is “working with Biological E on the manufacturing of the J&J Covid-19 vaccine”.

“We believe Biological E. will be an important part of our global Covid-19 vaccine supply network, where multiple manufacturing sites are involved in the production of our vaccine across different facilities, sometimes in different countries and continents, before the vaccine can be distributed,” the American pharma company added.

Earlier on Thursday, Johnson & Johnson had said its single-shot Covid-19 vaccine has shown promising signs of protection against the Delta variant rapidly spreading across the US and other countries.

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The findings were confirmed after a small laboratory study, according to the company report where the vaccine exhibited strong, persistent activity against the new Delta and other highly prevalent SARS-CoV-2 viral variants. 

Currently, four Covid-19 vaccines, including Covishield, Covaxin, Sputnik-V, and Moderna, are allowed for emergency use in the country.