(By Khushboo Jain, Founder - MadAboutWellness | Instagram & Facebook: @khushboojainwellness, www.khushboojain.co.in )

Welcome, 2021! Time again to make New Year resolutions and promises to fulfill. The intense 2020 year has taught us all the meaning and importance of health, wellness, and a clean lifestyle. So let us all embark on a journey of wellness lifestyle with wellness practitioner Khushboo Jain and indulge in a month by month of wellness lifestyle habits with physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual cleansing.


Detox Latte - Kick start each day of 2020 with Detox Latte.  Boil 150 ml Water in a kettle, add Turmeric Powder, freshly grounded Black Pepper, crushed Cardamom. Bring to a boil and add  4 tablespoons of Milk. Sieve and serve hot adding Honey to taste. This not only cleanses and detoxes your system but also enhances immunity with each sip.


Organics -  Food is not just what you eat but what you apply to your skin too. Gatecrash into making your own skin, hair care, and cosmetics that are organic, made out of natural ingredients, sulfate-free, and paraben-free. Be it your lipsticks, creams & lotions, shampoos, scrubs, masks, soaps, conditioners, face washes, and others. Apps, YouTube, or paid courses can teach you how to make your own stuff that is best with quality and saves you from burning your pocket. Lots of fruits, vegetables, medicinal plants, dried flowers, spices can be used to make your very own customized and best quality Organic Products. Add natural preservatives to store them for longer periods and get a glass skin.


Yoga & Meditation - The month of March best weather of the year across India to delve into Yoga and Meditation.  Swami Sivananda propagates 5 principles of Yoga. Savasana or proper relaxation; Asanas or proper exercise; Pranayam or proper breathing; Proper Diet; Dyana or meditation.

Yoga asanas are the only activity that massages all internal organs and glands of the body including prostate and thyroid which are rarely stimulated externally. Yoga builds up and strengthens the immune system, harmonising physical, mental and emotional self.

Proper Breathing should include practise of Suryabhedi, Anulom-Vilom, Uzzai Pranayam and Dirgha Shwas Preksha. For Svanasa practise, Kayotsarg means full-body relaxation by observing and relaxing every body part. Start practising meditation visualizing "ARHAM" in Golden color at Center of Bliss. Chant this Mantra- ‘Hraang Hreeng Hroong Hraeing Hraung Hrang Hrah’ for 10 min twice a day.


Naturopathy - As Sadhguru says, when you have a body problem in the system - would you go to the manufacturer or a local repair shop? We all would prefer the manufacturer which means the natural cure as an ancient and drugless system of healing. In Naturopathy, our body is made of five elements - Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Ether and Space. Treatments too are made of these elements.  Make April the month to submit your body to Naturopathy.

Earth or Mud is used for mudbaths, packs, compresses and direct application. The treatment with water is called Hydrotherapy. Here water is used in various forms, temperatures and modes, in baths, compresses, packs, douches, jets, irrigations. Interestingly, the healing power of the Sun called Heliotherapy and colours called Colourtherapy are used in combination with water – such as Thermoleum Baths, open-air baths, plaintiff leaf baths, colour charged oil and water applications.  The experience healing power of magnet through magnetized oil application, magnetized water and electromagnetism.

The elements of air are used for open-air walks and baths, breathing exercises, and others. Space Element comes in terms of fasting. Fasting therapies include long, short, and intermittent fasting, juice fast, mono-diet fast, and others.


Intermittent Fasting / Intense Diet Cleansing - Diseases are caused due to accumulation of toxins. Abstaining from food is the ultimate medicine. Toxins accumulate in each and every cell of the body as our energy is being used for other functions too. It is recommended to provide rest to the digestive system and divert this energy to detoxify the body. Intermittent fasting or time-restricted feeding prevent infections as periods of fasting will enhance autophagy which means our immune system starts eating damaged tissue along with pathogenic bacterias viruses and fungus.


Detox - June being the best period for Ayurveda is the best one for a detox. You can start with liquid detox like soups fruits and vegetable juices, herbal teas, tender coconut water, and buttermilk.

Post 7 days you can graduate to soya products, cottage cheese, mushrooms, raw salads, steamed veggies, khichdi, phulkas. By now you should start consuming organically grown food, whole grains, unrefined flour, adequate water intake, nuts, and dry fruits. Have adequate nutritional supplements such as zinc, magnesium, iodine, omega 3, betacarotene, Vitamin D to keep your immune system up.

Last but not least is to stay hydrated and avoid constipation to prevent toxins from building up. The second set of the welness plan for 2021 will be shared soon.

About Khushboo Jain

Khushboo Jain is the founder of MadAboutWellness, a digital window that helps people find alternative treatments and therapies for body and skin related concerns in spas and wellness centres across India.