New Delhi: Cancer can cause huge damage to anyone physically, mentally and emotionally. This not only affects a patient, but also causes trouble to the entire family. However, including some super foods in your diet can keep away this dangerous disease. Super foods will not only help you to remain healthy but can also prevent many diseases such as cancer.

There are many ingredients present in our kitchen that we can use to prevent cancer. Check here:

Tulsi (Holy Basil) - Tulsi is called the killer of cancer. Many diseases of the body are cured due to regular consumption of Tulsi. So, eat 2 to 3 Tulsi leaves daily. Doing so will reduce any possibility of having not only common cold but also cancer.

Cow's Milk - Cow's milk has so much power in it that along with increasing immunity, it can also protect us from many diseases. Regular consumption of cow's milk can keep cancer away from your life. 

Turmeric - Turmeric has a special place in our food and is used on auspicious occasions. Turmeric is extremely antiseptic and hence we can ensure its regular use. Daily intake of turmeric is an easy home remedy to avoid cancer. 

Water - Ensure drinking between 3 to 5 litres of water throughout the day. Avoid drinking unclean water because its use can cause cancer. So drink pure and clean water. In addition to being pure and clean, keep the water in a copper vessel at night. Add 3 or 5 tulsi leaves to it. This is an effective recipe to avoid cancer.

Soya - Soya is effective in fighting cancer. Omega 3 present in soy can prevent early symptoms of cancer by giving it the required nutrients. So use soy as much as you can in your food. It does not allow the tumor to grow and also reduces its size.

Garlic - Garlic is a beneficial drug for cancer patients. If a cancer patient is given a mixture of crushed garlic and water, it is proven to be extremely beneficial in cancer. Anyone can drink garlic water to prevent cancer. 

Neem - In Ayurveda Neem is said to cure all diseases. Neem also has the power to fight cancer. If 8-10 neem leaves are fed daily to a cancer patient, his/her health begins to improve quickly.

(Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article. These should be considered as suggestions only. Consider it necessary to consult a doctor before following any such treatment/medicine/diet.)