New Delhi: Irregular eating habits also lead to diabetes, blood pressure, heart, and cholesterol-related diseases. Diabetes is directly related to your lifestyle.

Diabetes, also known as the silent killer, is considered dangerous because it gradually affects other parts of the body as well. The heart, liver, eyes, and kidneys get affected when the sugar level in the body increases.

People in their 30s and 40s are at a higher risk of developing diabetes these days. However, you can control diabetes to a great extent by adjusting your eating and drinking habits.

Today we are telling you fruits, vegetables, and cereals that will keep your blood sugar level under control. 

Food And Diet In Diabetes

Sugar patients need to be careful about their food choices. Diet can control and increase diabetes. Food has a direct impact on insulin in the body. In this case, you need to plan your diet (Diabetes Diet) thoughtfully. Choose fruits and vegetables that control blood sugar. You should also eat food grains carefully in diabetes. 

What grains should be consumed in diabetes (Grains In Diabetes) 

1- A diabetic patient should use fiber-rich barley flour in his food. Barley contains a lot of fiber and very low starch. 

2- You can also eat bajra(millet) flour to control blood sugar. Millet contains a lot of magnesium, which helps control insulin and blood sugar. 

3- Ramdana is very good for controlling blood sugar. It does not contain gluten and is rich in fiber.

4- Diabetics can also eat rajgir flour. Rajgir is very beneficial for health. It can control the sugar level.

5- If you do not like roti made of one flour, you can eat a roti made from multigrain flour that contains cereals like barley, millet, maize, gram, wheat, and rajgir. 

What vegetables should be consumed in diabetes (Vegetables In Diabetes)

1- A diabetic patient must include okra in his food. Okra contains soluble fiber and does not contain starch.  It also controls blood sugar. The nutrients present in okra help increase the production of insulin. 

2- A diabetic patient must include carrots in his food. Carrots are rich in fiber and gradually release sugar into the body. 

3- If you have diabetes, you should increase your intake of green vegetables. Spinach, gourd, torai, leafy vegetables, and broccoli should be included in the diet. They contain fiber and vitamins which are beneficial for diabetics.
4- Cabbage is very beneficial in diabetes. Cabbage is rich in starch, antioxidants and vitamins.

5- Cucumber contains a lot of fiber which keeps blood sugar under control. Cucumber does not contain starch at all, and also helps in weight loss. Cucumber should be included in the diet as it helps to keep the stomach healthy. 

What fruits should be eaten in diabetes (Fruits In Diabetes)

1- Diabetic patients must include apple in the diet. Apples contain both soluble and insoluble fiber that help control blood sugar. 

2- Oranges are also good for diabetics. It contains fiber, vitamin C, folate, and potassium that controls diabetes. 

3- Eating peach also keeps blood sugar under control. Peaches are rich in fiber, which helps in controlling diabetes. 

4- Guava has a low glycemic index (GI), which helps in controlling sugar. Guava contains nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin A, folate, and potassium.

5- Kiwi has antioxidant properties. Eating kiwi also keeps blood sugar levels under control. This helps in reducing the amount of glucose in the body. 

Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the methods, treatments, and any claims mentioned in this article. These should be considered as suggestions only. Kindly consult a doctor before following any of the above-mentioned treatments/medications/diets.