Diabetes is silently emerging as a global pandemic. Poor eating habits, sluggish lifestyles, and genetic issues play an important role in causing diabetes. Millions of people in India are living with this.

After being diagnosed you have to make many changes in your lifestyle and take medicines to control blood sugar levels. But as far as insulin injection is concerned, many diabetics ask the doctor to suggest options. They are scared because of what they have heard or read about insulin, which is mostly based on lies.

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Common Myths About Insulin Injections

Myth: Insulin injections are addictive

Truth: The body produces insulin naturally. People suffering from diabetes who cannot produce enough insulin need to take insulin injections. Therefore, the notion that insulin injections are addictive is a baseless claim. 

Myth: Insulin is the last resort
Truth: People suffering from diabetes generally believe that insulin is for an advanced stage or for severe diabetes. But after analyzing the benefits of delaying diabetes-related problems, doctors now prescribe insulin to sugar patients earlier, even from the beginning of the disease. 

Myth: Insulin causes weight gain
Truth: A lot of insulin users complain that they have gained a little weight. You should know that the function of insulin is to help the body use food more effectively. Therefore, people suffering from diabetes should eat accordingly so that extra weight gain can be avoided.

Myth: Insulin injection causes discomfort
Truth: Many diabetics are afraid to inject insulin. However, the insulin needle used in diabetes these days is painless. The best way to overcome the fear of getting injected is to encourage patients to get injected on their own.