New Delhi: While surging Coronavirus cases in China and South Korea is raising an alarm for the fourth Covid wave across the world, India is still witnessing a decline in Coronavirus cases. The country has registered 1,761 new Covid 19 cases on Saturday, while it witnessed 127 deaths in the last 24 hours.

The active caseload of the country is currently at 26,240. The active cases now stand at 0.06%.

According to the Union Health Ministry, the country's recovery rate is currently at 98.74%. India has registered 3,196 recoveries in the last 24 hours and the total recoveries of the country now stands at 4,24,65,122. 

Maharashtra on alert after rising cases in China

 Looking at the new surge in coronavirus cases in South Korea, China, and Europe, we can not let our guard down as yet, Maharashtra Public Health Minister Rajesh Tope said on Saturday.

The Union health ministry had sent a letter to the states a day before about the need to remain alert, he told reporters, according to a PTI report.

When asked by reporters whether masks should still be mandatory considering that new daily cases in Maharashtra are fast dwindling, Tope said, "The Union government's letter clearly says that we can not be careless, looking at rising cases in China, South Korea, Europe. We must continue to be alert."

South Korea, whose population is only half that of Maharashtra, is reporting more than one lakh infections a day and there were reports of hospital bed shortages in that country, he said, adding that "we must become wise from others' experience."

When asked if a fourth wave of coronavirus was imminent," he said, "We must continue taking precautions, that is all we can do."

Maharashtra on Saturday reported 97 new coronavirus infections and one death.