India witnesses a slight dip in Covid cases as the country logged 3,641 new cases of coronavirus in 24 hours. This comes after 3,824 fresh cases were reported on Sunday. On Saturday, India reported 2,994 fresh Covid cases. According to the Union health ministry, the active caseload stands at 20,219.

The toll has risen to 5,30,892 with 7 deaths -- three from Maharashtra and one each in Delhi, Kerala, Karnataka and Rajasthan -- recorded in a 24-hour span. The toll also includes four deaths reconciled by Kerala, the data stated. The daily positivity rate was recorded at 6.12 while the weekly positivity was pegged at 2.45 per cent.

The total tally of Covid cases was at 4.47 crore (4,47,26,246). The active cases now comprise 0.05 per cent of the total infections while the national COVID-19 recovery rate has been recorded at 98.76 per cent, according to the ministry website. The number of people who have recuperated from the disease is at 4.41 crore (4,41,75,135) while the case fatality rate was recorded at 1.19. According to the ministry website, 220.66 crore Covid vaccine doses have been administered under the nationwide vaccination drive so far.

Madhya Pradesh is witnessing a surge in COVID-19 cases with the state registering 35 new cases in the last 24 hours. Along with this, nine new COVID-19 cases were reported in the state capital Bhopal in the last 24 hours. In view of the sudden increase in cases, the health department has instructed officials to organise mock drills for preparations to deal with the disease. The mock drill will be held on April 10 and 11.

Superintendent of Bhopal District Hospital, Rakesh Shrivastava told ANI, "The cases have increased in the state, but today it is a good thing that the graph of the cases have come down. There is no need to panic. Today nine cases have been reported in Bhopal. The administration is fully prepared and there is complete arrangement in the hospital."

"We are going to do mock drills on April 10 and 11 in which we will see the whole system as seen earlier whether oxygen is reaching every point or not, medicines are there or not. We have all the facilities here, the Madhya Pradesh government has made complete preparations and there is nothing to panic. Along with this, there is a need to be careful. There has been a slight change in the weather, that is why the cases may have increased," he said.

Last month, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare's Covid-19 National Task Force issued revised clinical guidelines for the management of adult Covid-19 patients.