New Delhi: The Delhi government is fully prepared to receive, store, and give Coronavirus vaccine to 51 lakh persons who have been given the status of priority category in the first phase of vaccination. ALSO READ | Has Mutant Coronavirus Strain Entered India? Health Ministry Says, 'Yet To Be Established By Designated Lab'

Talking about the inoculation drive Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said on Thursday that his government is all set to begin vaccination as soon as it gets the vaccine from the Central government, and registration is underway for people in three priority categories who will be given the shot first.

"There are a total of 51 lakh priority category persons in Delhi — three lakh health workers, six lakh frontline workers, and 42 lakh of those aged above 50 and those below 50 but having co-morbidities," the chief minister said at a virtual press briefing.

Each person will be given two doses, and a total of 1.02 crore doses will be required in the first phase of vaccination in Delhi, he added.

As informed, the national capital has a storage capacity for 74 lakh doses, and the Kejriwal-led Delhi government will be scaled up to 1.15 crore within a week. Individuals who are registering to be in the priority categories will be informed through SMS or other such means about their turn whenever it is scheduled to come.

The necessary staff, officials and health workers have also been enlisted and trained for the vaccination drive. The sites for the same are being readied.

"The Covid-19 situation in Delhi has improved significantly in the past few days, but all eyes are set on when the vaccine will be available and people will get rid of the virus," Kejriwal said.

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