Hyderabad: Bharat Biotech on Thursday said its Covid-19 vaccine Covaxin has received a certificate of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) compliance from the Hungarian authorities.

“Another milestone in our account as COVAXIN® receives GMP certificate from Hungary. This marks the 1st EUDRAGDMP compliance certificate received by Bharat Biotech from European regulatories. #BharatBiotech #COVAXIN #covaxininhungary,” Bharat Biotech tweeted along with the statement.

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The Hyderabad-based vaccine maker said the approval received is from the National Institute of Pharmacy and Nutrition Hungary certifying the GMP for the manufacture of Covaxin.

“The certificate of GMP is now listed on the EudraGMDP database, which is the database of the European Community of manufacturing authorizations and certificates of the good manufacturing practice,” said Bharat Biotech, adding it intends to submit documentation for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) in several additional countries worldwide.

Bharat Biotech further said it has with this approval achieved another significant milestone in innovating and manufacturing vaccines at global quality standards and moving forward in the ongoing fight against the Covid-19 pandemic.

“The recognition complements our commitment of driving world-class innovation and being a frontrunner in the research and development of vaccines,” Bharat Biotech added.

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Covaxin is among the four vaccines approved by India’s drug regulator. The other three vaccines being used in the nationwide inoculation drive are Covishield, Sputnik V and Moderna.