New Delhi: As the number of Omicron cases rises in the world, the threat posed by the new variant is increasing by the minute. As many as 77 countries have confirmed cases of the Omicron variant. The worst-hit country right now is the United Kingdom which recorded a rise of 88,042 covid-19 cases in a day.

While it is not yet confirmed if most cases are because of Omicron or Delta, the threat posed by the highly mutated Omicron cannot be denied. India has now more than 100 Omicron positive cases with 26 cases reported on Friday. As many as 11 states and union territories have confirmed the variant. 

Comparing the scenario in the UK, Dr. VK Paul, chairman of the National task force for covid-19, issued a warning that India could face around 14 lakh cases per day. “If we look at the scale of spread in the UK & if there is a similar outbreak in India, then given our population, there will be 14 lakh cases every day,” Dr. Paul said in a press conference. 

During the press briefing, Dr. Paul also highlighted that the UK is going through a tough phase as the cases are rising in the country despite 80 percent of the population is partially vaccinated. He further added that everything is an emerging scenario currently.

To fight the Omicron variant and avoid a probable third wave, the government has issued an advisory urging people to avoid unnecessary travel, mass gatherings, and to keep a low key on the New Year festivities.

The World Health Organization has warned that Omicron is a highly transmissible variant, however, its severity is still being gauged by the health experts.