Wordle 391 Answer Today, July 15: The Wordle challenge today can be diffcult. It's not a word that we use very often in our conversations. The combination of letters is also a bit tricky, because of a duplicate letter. At least two consonants are rare. There is, however, one relief that you won't face the problem of multiple options, unless you get the last three letters correct in the right order first. Need help? Read on.
How To Play Wordle And What Are Its Rules
Wordle, created by US-based software engineer Josh Wardle last year, has completed a year of its existence. The word game is now owned by The New York Times, which bought it from Wardle in January this year. Free-to-play Wordle is essentially a guessing game, and has been a hit from the beginning. NYT did not bring any changes to its features after the takeover.
Every day, rather midnight, a new challenge is released across the world. This means some countries get to see the new five-letter word before others do.
The rules are simple. A player gets six chances to guess the randomly generated word of the day. The squares meant to contain the letters turn green, yellow or grey depending on the status of the letters you enter, and the colours of the box let you know if you are on the right track or wrong.
If the box turns green, the letter is in the right position. A yellow box means the word contains this letter but you have placed it wrong. A grey box means the letter is incorrect.
Wordle 391 Hints And Answer
- The word has 1 vowel used twice
- The vowel is 'E'
- It starts with 'W'
- The word is used both as noun and as verb
- It ends with 'E'
Did you find the hints useful? If not, read on and see the correct answer.
The Wordle 391 answer is 'WEDGE'. As noun, it is "a piece of something, especially food, in the shape of a triangle", as described by the Cambridge dictonary. 'Wedge' as verb means "to make something stay in a particular position by using a wedge".