Wordle 273 Answer for March 19: The Wordle solution today is a very common word, and is it quite a regular part of our daly vocabulory.  

Some users found it tricky, though. Here is a look at how players are reacting after trying to solve today's Wordle.

About Wordle And Its Rules

The Wordle, which is basically a guessing game that tests your vocabulary, was created by US-based oftware engineer Josh Wardle last year. It proved to be an instant hit, with millions of soon starting to play it every day. The New York Times bought Wordle in January this year, but did not change any of its features, though some users believe the game has got harder since.      

The Wordle rules are simple. A player gets six chances to guess a five-letter randomly generated word, with coloured squares giving crucial clues.

If the box turns green after you choose a word, it means the correct letter in the right position. A yellow box means the letter is correct but at the wrong place. Grey squares denote wrong letters.

Wordle 272 Hints And Answer

  • The word has two vowels

  • One letter is repeating

  • It is a verb 

  • The word starts with a vowel 

  • The definition of the word is 'to permit'  

The last hint was quite a giveaway. Don’t need any further if you want to solve the puzzle yourself.


Photo: Getty

The answer to Wordle 273 is 'ALLOW'.