Actor/comedian Vir Das' latest series Hasmukh can continue to be streamed on Netflix. The Delhi High Court on Tuesday declined to grant an interim stay on the show. A plea had been filed in the Delhi HC claiming the fictional series maligned the reputation of advocates.

Expressing gratitude, while reacting to the court's decision, Vir Das took to social media and wrote: "Yesterday, in the Delhi High Court, there was a hearing. A hearing about our show where a fictitious comedian does jokes about a fictitious lawyer. Close to 10 legal notices, groups organising to down-rate it, a suit for 'defaming the reputation of lawyers'.

"Fair game. As artists we are taught to accept feedback humbly, and I do so knowing that my work always has, and will polarise people. But if we can accept that these actions go a little beyond feedback, I hope I've earned the right to respectfully respond."

Hasmukh was also a hot favourite of memers soon after it was released on Netflix in April. Many social media users found their latest meme template in the dialogues of the show, check out some of them below:

Check out below: