New Delhi: The third season of 'Indian Matchmaking' will premiere on April 21, according to a statement made by Netflix on Wednesday. The reality television series follows matchmaker Sima Taparia as she helps clients from all over the world with the process of arranged marriages, giving viewers an inside look at the tradition in the contemporary era.
On Wednesday, Netflix posted a carousel of stills from the third season of Indian Matchmaking to social media with the caption,“Looks like the stars have aligned for us one more time. @simatapariaofficial is coming back with another season of #IndianMatchmaking on April 21.”
Check out the post here:
Sima Taparia was shown waving to the audience as she welcomed them to the third season in the opening image of the post. The last images offered the first glimpse of the new couples whose experiences viewers will follow this season on the show.
The show was created and written by Smriti Mundhra, and it was produced by Sony Pictures Television's The Intellectual Property Corporation (IPC).
In the third season, Taparia will help single youngsters all around the world in finding their ideal partner, according to the official synopsis.
"From London to New Delhi, Miami to New York, Sima will manage more expectations than ever before from clients, old and new. Drawing from her decades of experience, insightful intuition and traditional methods, Sima strives to help some lucky singles find their destinies," it read.
Sima Taparia, a marriage consultant from Mumbai, explores the world for the ideal matches for her international clientele. The show delves deeply into the relationships and families that hire Sima's services. The debut season, which premiered in July 2020, was an instant hit. In August 2022, the series returned for a successful second season.