New Delhi: The first trailer for the docuseries starring Prince Harry and Meghan Markle was released on Monday. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex's romance and subsequent withdrawal from royal life will be the subject of the six-part Netflix documentary series.

The British royal family is the focus of the most current trailer, which depicts the "dirty games" that take place behind palace walls. Speaking about their decision to leave the royal family and their life at the palace, the young royals are shown discussing their thoughts.

The series' first three episodes will be released on December 8 and its last three episodes will be released on December 15. The series, which is being directed by actress Liz Garbus, will take viewers from their dream wedding through their arguments with other royals who weren't as accepting of Meghan into the family.

Harry claims that several allegations were made against them in the new trailer. In addition to making reference to his mother, the late Princess Diana, Harry also talks about the "feeding frenzy" that women who marry into the royal family experience. "It's a dirty game," he says. 

Harry's mother was being chased by paparazzi until she died in a car accident in Paris, France, in 1997.

Markle and Harry seem to imply in the one-minute teaser that up until they got married, the British media was supportive of them, but after that, things changed.

"You know, there's leaking, but there's also planting of stories," he continues. Towards the end of the trailer, the Duke of Sussex says,"No one knows the full truth. We know the full truth." 

The docuseries on Harry and Meghan will air just before Christmas and coincide with the US visit of his older brother, the Prince of Wales, and his wife Catherine. The new series has not yet received a response from Buckingham Palace.