New Delhi: Virat Kohli gave a glimpse from his New Year getaway featuring his wife-actor Anushka Sharma and their daughter Vamika. The star cricketer was in Dubai to ring in New Year 2023. On Monday, Kohli made our day by sharing an adorable picture from a beach suggesting some playtime with his daughter. The picture shows the three walking with their backs facing the camera. It's an adorable picture showing the three with rolled pants swinging their hands by the dead.

Virat shared the picture on his official Twitter handle and captioned it, "Rabba bakshiyan tu enniyan meherbaniyan, hor terto kuch ni mangda, bas tera shukar ada kardan 🙏🙇🏻‍♂️❤️( God has blessed us with so much, I do not ask for more but only to thank you)"


The quote in Punjabi is winning everyone's hearts. Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma rang in the New Year in Dubai after which they headed to Mathura to begin the year on a spiritual note. Several pictures and videos of the two have been circulating online in which we saw Anushka prostating and Vamika adorably accompanying her parents.

It was also alleged that the two offered prayers and sat in meditation besides also distributing blankets. In November 2022, the two had visited Baba Neem Karoli's ashram in Uttarakhand.

Meanwhile, on the work front, Anushka Sharma will next be seen in Indian bowler Jhulan Goswami's biopic titled 'Chakda Xpress'. Anushka was also seen in a cameo in Anvita Dutt's 'Qala'.