Varun Dhawan, who was in Jaipur for the film's promotion, left the stage to attend to a fan who had passed out. At the event, where he was accompanied by his co-star Kriti Sanon, the actor made a thoughtful gesture.

Reportedly, Varun Dhawan stopped the promotional event at a college in Jaipur to assist the girl and offered her water to drink right away.

On social media, a clip of the actor from the event has gone viral. The girl is seen in the brief clip drinking water from Varun's hands while sitting with her facing the stage.

Take a look at the clip that was shared on the actor's fanpages:

Varun Dhawan recently revealed that he has been diagnosed with vestibular hypofunction at India Today Conclave Mumbai 2022. Following his disclosure, his fans expressed their concern and wished for his quick recovery. The actor posted on Twitter about his condition and how he was handling it to offer his fans a health update.

"Hey guys I know I had recently given an interview where I spoke about my health not being a 100 percent. The amount of concern and love that has followed has left me humbeled and actually very energised to get back to 100 percent," the tweet read.

"To everyone who has been concerned I would like to share I am doing much better with the help of yoga, swimming, physio  and a change in lifestyle. Getting sun is the most important. Above all the blessings of Bhagwan," he added. 

Meanwhile, Varun Dhawan's upcoming film 'Bhediya' is a much-anticipated project in 2022. Directed by Amar Kaushik, the movie centres on Bhaskar (Varun), a werewolf who is bitten by a werewolf and changes into one on every full moon night. In the movie, Kriti Sanon presumably plays a veterinary doctor. 

The movie starring Kriti Sanon and Varun Dhawan is scheduled to be released on November 25, 2022.