New Delhi: The passing of Sidhu Moose Wala has caused waves to be felt across the music industry. On May 29, unknown attackers opened fire on the musician and Congress politician in the hamlet of Jawaharke, which is located in the Mansa region of the state of Punjab. Since Sunday evening, people from all over the world have been sending their condolences and tributes to the family of the late Punjabi artist. Rapper Drake just joined this list.
The Canadian rapper paid tribute to the Punjabi musician Sidhu Moose Wala by posting a picture of the musician with the singer's mother. Drake penned the words "RIP Moose" underneath the image.
A few folks went wild because of the rumours that they were going to collaborate in the future. The fact that the two singers were unable to record a song together was disappointing to their fans.
If you've never heard of Moose, he was a very popular Punjabi rapper and some of his songs have risen to the top of the charts. Shubhdeep Singh Sidhu, also known as Sidhu Moose Wala, was born and raised in Punjab's Moose Wala village. Moose had studied music in college before relocating to Canada. As a Punjabi musician, he was well-known for his inflammatory lyrics about gangsters and guns, making him one of the most divisive artists of his generation.
In addition to that, Moosewala had a successful acting career, appearing in films such as "Jattan Da Munda Gaun Lagya," "Teri Meri Jodi," and "Yes I am Student."