New Delhi: Comedian Zakir Khan has finally opened up about the comparisons with ace comedian Kapil Sharma. Khan set the record straight amid his show 'Aapka Apna Zakir' airing in the same time slot as that of 'The Kapil Sharma Show'. The former insisted that there is going to be no rivalry betweeen the two comics.

In an interview with TV9, Zakir was asked about the comparisons as his show would replace Kapil Sharma's long-running TV special show.

"I am not ok with the comparisons. He is a very big artiste, how can I compete with him,” Zakir Khan said about his latest Sony Entertainment show.  In the promo of his upcoming show, Zakir is seen hosting various celebrities like Karan Johar, Shraddha Kapoor, Rajkummar Rao and more.

On Kapil Sharma

“Kapil is a pioneer of our work. When his shows became extremely successful, I benefited while sitting in Delhi as a small-time comedian. I benefited even later when I moved to Mumbai. In art form, even if one person does his job well, it benefits everyone. The rising sun never knows where all his rays are reaching. I am from the house which lit up because of him. I am not ashamed to say this. I respect him a lot and he meets me with a lot of love as well. So how will we compete? We will just do our work,” he added.

Zakir Khan's show features him as a TV show host. In his 'quirky panel', actors like Shweta Tiwari, Rithvik Dhanjani, Gopal Datt, and Paresh Ganatra would also be a part of the show.

Recently, the cast of the horror comedy film 'Stree 2': Rajkummar Rao and Shraddha Kapoor graced the show. Rajkummar Rao had opened up about his journey of being a dance teacher to becoming a successful actor in Bollywood. "When one comes to the city, everyone dreams of having their own house. When Patralekha and I went out to find an apartment for rent, the broker showed us a triplex and we could not afford it. Then the broker showed us 2 more houses at a cheaper cost but Patralekha and I had a very strong gut feeling so we went ahead and took a leap of faith to buy the house we couldn’t afford."

Speaking about how SRK helped them, he shared, "A few days before this incident, I met Shah Rukh Sir and he asked me if I had bought a house. I said no but then he advised me that whenever you decide to get your own house, buy something that is out of your league, because when you do this, God will help you and you will work harder to make that house yours. So, I was inspired to purchase a house and work towards it. And, with that thought, we purchased the house and after some time, we bought other ones too,” he said.