New Delhi: Star Plus’ ‘Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai’ has managed to win the hearts of the viewers with its drama-packed episodes. The show starring Mohsin Khan and Shivangi Joshi is doing quite well in terms of TRPs. ‘YRKKH’ became the first Hindi show to complete 3000 successful episodes September 2019. Shivangi and Moshin’s chemistry is quite a hit among the fans, who have fondly given them the jodi name ‘KaiRa.

Shivangi and Mohsin were rumoured to be dating each other but the alleged couple never made their relationship official. Speculations are rife that they have now called it quits and are no longer together.

Gossip mills are buzzing with the rumours that Shivangi and Moshin’s break up is affecting the work on the sets of the show. A report in an entertainment portal has suggested that the two co-stars earlier used to share the same vanity van but the production house had to assign a new vanity van to Mohsin.

“Mohsin and Shivangi shared a vanity van, which had two sections- one was smaller than the other. When they were together, Mohsin had himself suggested that he doesn’t mind alternating the sides with Shivangi yet a lot of times it was the actress who got the bigger section. Mohsin never said anything at that time,” a source told SpotboyE.

The report further added that Mohsin recently asked the production team to assign him a new vanity van during an outdoor shoot.

Mohsin Khan, who plays the role of Kartik Goenka in ‘Yeh Rishta’m has slammed all the rumours floating on the internet.

"We were shooting for a fight sequence in which we had to get into mud. So, the vanity van section which I was provided with didn't have a bathroom where I could take a shower and it was on the other side of the van. That's why I asked the production to allot me the portion with bathing area. I have never demanded for a single door vanity van. In fact, today also I am sharing a vanity with Shivangi. All I can say is somebody is trying to divert att

ention from our hard work and prove us unprofessional,” the ‘Dream Girl - Ek Ladki Deewani Si’ actor told the portal.

We hope things are well between Mohsin and Shivangi and they continue to entertain us with their performance in ‘Yeh Rishta’.

Stay tuned for more updates!