Nia Sharma, Jasmin Bhasin and Vijayendra Kumeria starrer much-awaited Colors show 'Naagin 4' will go on-air next month amid huge buzz and expectations. The makers recently released 'Naagin 4' first promo featuring the lead trio Nia, Jasmin & Vijayendra which has left fans curious. Few days ago, various reports suggested that TV's original 'naaginn' Sayantani Ghosh has bagged an important role in 'Naagin 4'. But, the actress as well as makers chose not to respond on the same. However, Sayantani has now confirmed that she's a part of 'Naagin 4' and has already started shooting for the show.

The talented actress, who is currently seen playing Mohnish Bahl's daughter 'Dr. Anjali' in Surbhi Chandna starrer Star Plus show 'Sanjivani 2', has reunited with her 'Naaginn - Vaadon Ki Agniparikshaa' co-star Shaleen Bhanot as they are shooting together in Rajasthan for 'Naagin 4'.

Both Sayantani and Shaleen recently took to their social media accounts and posted various BTS pictures from the shoot.

Naagin 4 Promo: Nia Sharma, Jasmin Bhasin Join Hands Against Vijayendra Kumeria To Seek Revenge!

Posting the pictures on Instagram, Sayantani wrote, "@shalinbhanot we are just continuing from where we left ...the innocence of our laughter ,the fun of our giggles ,the songs we sing between shots ,the depth of our chats,the ease we feel ...’s such a deja’s such a special reunion my buddy ..this journey is a special one n i hope it’s a really fulfilling one @ektaravikapoor  @muktadhond @shreya_nehal @colorstv ....god bless us all ♥️.......#shootdiaries #outdoor #outdoorshoot #rajasthan  #jaisalmerdiaries #naagin4"

Take a look at Sayantani's posts below (SWIPE LEFT):

Naagin 4: 'Veera' Actor Ankit Bathla To Play Nia Sharma's Love Interest In Colors Show?

Whereas Shaleena reposted Sayantani's post and wrote, "After trying 200th time I hope I am able to post this ... @sayantanighosh0609 I am Sooo happy to be working with you again.. after so long... you are a sweetheart and its always so much fun to work with you... Thank you so much @ektaravikapoor @muktadhond @chloejferns @shreya_nehal @colorstv and the entire of @balajitelefilmslimited  for making me a part of Naagin"

Check out Shaleen's posts below:

On a related note, 'Naagin 4' is will go on-air in December and the revenge saga is expected to take the weekend slot on 'Colors TV'. Apart from Nia & Jasmin, talented actors including Supriya Shukla, Geetanjali Tikekar and Rakhi Vijan will be seen playing pivotal roles.

Keep watching this space for more updates related to 'Naagin 4'!