TV actor Karan Mehra, best known as ‘Naitik’ from 'Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai', & his actress wife Nisha Rawal became proud parents of a baby boy Kavish Mehra on 14th June last year. Ever since then, the parents are enjoying being parents & often share adorable picture with the little munchkin on social media. A few days ago, Kavish turned 10-month-old & his parents celebrated the occasion by cutting a cake [READ HERE...].

Karan-Nisha with baby Kavish (Photo: Instagram)

Now Karan has re-posted a really cute picture on his Instagram account in which he is posing with baby Kavish. The father-son duo is twinning in white in the picture. Karan captioned the picture as, "Twinning with my Little Man ???? @rootsandwingsclothing @kavishmehra@missnisharawal"

Check out the picture here:

Karan & Nisha celebrate DIWALI with their 4-months-old baby boy Kavish Mehra!

Here are some more pictures posted on baby Kavish's Instagram account along with the caption, "My Daddy, Strongest!! ????
#twinningwithdaddy in @rootsandwingsclothing"

Here are the pics (SWIPE to see more):

Karan & Nisha'10-month-old baby boy is already a star on social media and has more than 42k followers on Instagram. Here are some more super-adorable pics of Kavisha Mehra:

PICS: Karan Mehra & Nisha Rawal's 'first family getaway' with baby boy Kavish Mehra in Goa!