TV actress Anita Hassanandani, currently playing the role of 'Shagun' in popular Star Plus show 'Yeh Hai Mohabbatein', took a small break from her hectic schedule few days ago and went off for a mini-holiday with hubby Rohit Reddy. Their pool pics from the holiday went viral[READ HERE..] and now, Anita's hubby Rohit has shared a romantic throwback pic with the actress from the holiday posing together in a pool.

Anita with hubby Rohit (Photo: Instagram)

Anita is currently in Indonesia due to work commitments & Rohit is missing her. He captioned the image as, "@anitahassanandani - jaldi vapas aaja!! #majormissing"

This TV actress is Anita Hassanandani’s husband Rohit Reddy’s ‘Half Girlfriend’! WATCH him say it!

Here's the pic:

The couple can be seen beating the heat in a pool together. The much-in-love couple has been married 14 October 2013 & recently started their business venture called 'BagTalk' together.

The good-looking couple often shares pics of their PDA on Instagram. Check out some more lovey-dovey pics of Anita & Rohit here:

PHOTOS: ‘Yeh Hai Mohabbatein’ actress Anita Hassanandani aka Shagun looks BEAUTIFUL yet SEXY in latest photoshoot!