Bollywood legend Amitabh Bachchan, who is currently hosting Kaun Banega Crorepati season 16, recently shared a fascinating memory involving pop icon Michael Jackson. The megastar shared the story with Padma Shree awardees Dr. Abhay and Dr. Rani Bang, who appeared as contestants on the quiz show. 

When Michael Jackson knocked at Amitabh Bachchan's door

During their conversation, Amitabh Bachchan asked Dr. Rani Bang about her favorite singer. When she mentioned her admiration for the late Michael Jackson, Bachchan recounted his own experience with the global superstar. 

Amitabh recalled, “I was staying at a hotel in New York when, one day, I heard a knock at my door. When I opened it, I was stunned to see Michael Jackson standing outside. I almost fainted but managed to keep my composure. I greeted him, and he inquired if this was my room. When I confirmed it, he realised he had mistakenly come to the wrong room.” 

Also read: When Amitabh Bachchan Bought 10 Ties Worth £120 Each Due To London Shopkeeper's Condescending Tone

The story didn’t end there. "Later," Amitabh continued, "after he went to his correct room, he sent someone over to reach out to me. We eventually got to sit down and chat. Despite his massive fame, he was incredibly down-to-earth. That’s how our first meeting happened." 

When Big B attended Michael Jackson's concert in the US

Bachchan also shared about the pop star's unforgettable concert in the U.S. "Michael Jackson had a show in America, and it was quite a challenge to get from New York to the venue. When we reached the hotel, we were informed that all 350 rooms were reserved for Michael and his team. After much effort, we finally secured seats at the back of the stadium and witnessed his performance. His singing and dancing were extraordinary. The energy in the crowd was electric, and the applause was thunderous. It was truly a magical experience,” he said. 

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Now in its 16th season, Kaun Banega Crorepati (KBC) continues to engage millions of viewers across India, with Amitabh Bachchan as the host since the show’s launch in 2000, except for the 2007 season, which was hosted by Shah Rukh Khan. A recent Money Control report reveals that Bachchan, who began hosting KBC at Rs 25 lakh per episode in 2000, now earns a remarkable Rs 5 crore per episode.