New Delhi: A few days after the death of actress Tunisha Sharma, Vishal Jethwa wrote an emotional, lengthy tribute to her. Vishal took to Instagram to share his feelings after attending the actress's last rites. Vishal shared many photos of himself and Tunisha Sharma on Instagram on Thursday.


In the first picture, the two of them are seen at the ‘Salaam Venky’ screening striking a pose for the camera. In a long note, Vishal Jethwa wrote, “Why am I being in a silent hope that you will come back? Let me tell you, it’s not just me, but everyone you knew around, from your family to all your fans and well-wishers feel the same. It feels very painful and intolerable that you have left all your loved ones with a lot of sorrow, grief, shock but sadly, we have to accept the fact that you are gone and that we won’t be able to see you again.”

In his grief at the loss of his best friend, the ‘Salam Venky’ said, “I might sound unforgiving but can I say I am not only sad but deep down even angry and have a lot of complaints and questions to you? Just like many others have. My wish of playing a role of Radha-Krishna with you remains unfulfilled. Always will cherish the pure love I had for you, with the maddening drives, long chats, crazy family times.. Little did I know that 4 days back when we met would be the last one with you."

He concluded his note, writing, “You will forever be there in everyone’s heart Tunisha. Truly gone too soon!”

On December 24, Tunisha Sharma reportedly died by suicide. Her co-actor and ex boyfriend Shezaan Khan was arrested and charged with violating Section 306 of the Indian Penal Code after a case of aiding suicide was brought against him.

On Sunday, the All Indian Cine Workers Association (AICWA) made a request to the government of Maharashtra, asking for the formation of a Special Investigation Team (SIT) to look into Tunisha Sharma's murder.