New Delhi: Colors TV’s ‘Vish Ya Amrit Sitara’ has been grabbing eyeballs these days for not so good reasons. The supernatural show starring Adaa Khan and Arhaan Behl was in news when the actors Shakti Anand and Falaq Naaz were ousted from the show. ‘Sitara’ once again grabbed headlines when the news of Adaa Khan getting replaced hit the internet. We had earlier informed you that the actress will continue to be a part of the show.
Read- Characters of Shakti Anand & Falaq Naaz axed overnight from 'Sitara'!
As per the latest buzz, ‘Vish Ya Amrit Sitara’ is all set to go off air. Yes, you heard that right.
Speculations were rife that the show will bid adieu to the viewers and it seems the channel has finally decided to pull the plug on it.
(Adaa Khan)
A report in an entertainment portal suggested that ‘Sitara’ will soon face the axe on Colors channel. The channel has decided to launch another supernatural show at the time slot of ‘Sitara’.
“Peninsula Pictures, helmed by Alind Srivastava and Nissar Parvez has been given the shout out by the channel to come up with a supernatural concept to take the place of Sitara,” a source told IWMBuzz.
Colors channel had axed ‘Tantra’ last month while ‘Roop-Mard Ka Naya Swaroop’ will go off air May. The channel’s top-rated show ‘Naagin 3’ will also bid adieu to the viewers this month. The Pearl V Puri and Surbhi Jyoti starrer will get replaced by ‘Kawach 2’.
Naagin 3 to end soon! Ekta Kapoor's show will go off-air on this date and will be REPLACED by 'Kavach 2'
‘Sitara’ was launched with several expectations but it failed to strike a chord with the viewers and couldn’t set the TRP charts on fire. The show replaced Jennifer Winget and Harshad Chopda’s ‘Bepannaah’ at the 10:30pm slot on December 3.
Watch this space for more updates!
Vish Ya Amrit: Sitara to go OFF AIR, Adaa Khan’s show to get REPLACED by Peninsula Pictures’ next?
ABP News Bureau
Updated at:
04 May 2019 03:54 PM (IST)
Adaa Khan and Arhaan Behl starrer Vish Ya Amrit: Sitara is rumoured to bid adieu to the viewers soon.
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