As monsoon rain lashes Mumbai, TV diva Mouni Roy seems to be enjoying the showers to the fullest. The actress is who is gearing up for her Bollywood debut opposite Akshay Kumar in Gold is on cloud nine these days ever since the trailer was launched and the actress received rave reviews for her role in the movie. And if you look at her recent Instagram post, the actress can be seen dancing in the rain. The Naagin actress captioned it, “Dancing to the rains creating music.... Tappur tupur taapur tupur.”
Isn't she looking gorgeous?
IIFA Rocks 2018: Mouni Roy sets stage on fire with her SIZZLING performance (PICS, VIDEO INSIDE)
A few days ago, Mouni along with Akshay Kumar launched the first song of Gold titled 'Naino Ne Baandhi',. During the launch of the song, Akshay and Mouni broke into a crazy dance as they climbed a tabletop.