After TV actor Sooraj Thapar, who welcomed his second son yesterday (6th Mach) on Gudi Padwa, another TV celebrity has given birth to a little munchkin. Roshni Chopra's actress-sister Deeya Chopra, seen in various popular shows, is on cloud nine as she has finally welcomed her first child with husband Ritchie Mehta. The actress gave birth to a baby boy 0n 5th March & is super-happy with his arrival. Deeya's sister Roshni Chopra announced the good news on her social media account yesterday.

Deeya Chopra (Photo: Instagram)

She took to her Instagram account and posted a picture with sister Deeya & captioned it as, "When baby sisters grow up and give you the best present ever! I love you @deeya09 thank you for making me a Masi today! Best feeling ever ♥️❗️"

Take a look at her post below:

In her Instagram story, the new 'masi' Roshni Chopra announced that Deeya & Ritchie have named their newborn son 'Evaan R Mehta'. Take a look at her Insta story below"

(Photo: Instagram)

In another Instagram story, Roshni posted a throwback picture of new-mommy Deeya flaunting her baby bump & wrote, "This girl is a piece of my heart... and now she's given me the best present ever love you @deeya09 can't wait to hold my Evaan"

(Photo: Instagram)

Last month, Deeya posted a picture of a cake with 'It's a Boy!' written on it. Post which, her followers started congratulating her & there were reports that she had given birth to a baby boy in March itself. Later, Deeya Chopra cleared the confusion by commenting on the same post & wrote, "Thanks everyone! Im due next month though hahah this post makes it feel like its happened already though"

Check out the post below:


But now, Deeya's little prince has arrived & her family is elated.

Deeya with hubby Ritchie (Photo: Web)

On the career front, Deeya Chopra made her TV debut with Mishal Raheja's 'Love Story'. Post which, she rose to fame with 'Left Right Left' and went on to feature in popular shows including 'Na Aana Is Des Laado', 'Mann Kee Awaaz Pratigya', 'Mrs. Kaushik Ki Paanch Bahuein' among others.

Deeya with Sanaya Irani & other 'Left Right Left' co-stars (Photo: Web)

Heartiest congratulations to Deeya and her family!