TV actor Sooraj Thapar, who has featured in various popular shows, is super-happy as his wife Dipti Dhyani has given birth to their second baby. The 51-year-old actor, who got married to Dipti in 2012, welcomed his second son yesterday (6th March) on the special occasion of Gudi Padwa. Sooraj & Dipti, who are already parents to a 5-year-old son Vishvm, are elated with the arrival of their second bundle of joy.
Sooraj Thapar with wife Dipti (Photo: Instagram)
Confirming the same, Sooraj told a leading daily that, "Dipti and I were desperately hoping for a girl, but God has blessed us with a boy again. Do bete hain toh eventually do betiyaan bhi aayengi shaadi ke baad. In fact, Dipti was so keen on having a girl that she requested the doctors to check again after the delivery. We couldn’t stop laughing at her reaction."
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On being asked if they have decided a name for the newborn or not, Sooraj further told TOI that, "Well, we had thought of some names for the girl. Now, we will start scouting names for the boy."
Sooraj with wife Dipti & son Vishvm (Photo: Instagram)
Sooraj Thapar has been part of the showbiz industry for a long time now and has featured in shows like 'Sasural Genda Phool', 'Hum Paanch Phir Se', 'Hum Saath Aath Hain', 'Ekk Nayi Pehchaan', 'Razia Sultan', 'Chandragupta Maurya', 'Ek Rishta Sajhedari Ka' among others.
Heartiest congratulations to the couple!