Mumbai: The nationwide lockdown due to the COVID-19 outbreak has kept actors and crew away from the sets. However, "Tujhse Hai Raabta" actors Reem Shaikh and Sehban Azim ensured that their veteran co-star Savita Prabhune's birthday on Saturday was special.

"Happy Birthday Savita tai, my ‘dadi'. You are truly the sweetest person alive. Even after being such a senior actor, you never made me feel uncomfortable. Just by having you on set, I learn something every day from you and the discipline that you have till date, is truly inspiring. I am glad I got to learn it from you. Happy birthday once again. May you live a long and healthy life," Reem wished on Savita's birthday, on April 18.

Sehban called her a "cutie" and thanked her for being a part of their lives.

"I must say that your patience, energy, charm and everything else is really infectious. Thank you for taking care of us, thank you for teaching us so many things and thank you for being a part of my life. I hope that even after ‘Tujhse Hai Raabta' ends, the ‘Raabta' between us remains the same. I love you," he said.

The fiction show, "Tujhse Hai Raabta", is aired on Zee TV.