New Delhi: TV actress Divyanka Tripathi’s sister Priyanka Tiwari has shared an emotional post on social media. The actress’ sister shared pictures of Divyanka’s Bhopal home and wrote “Kal jis aangan mein Chani ki haldi aur mehendi rasam hui, waha ka aaj ka nazaara.. Jese .. Ghar aangan .. Poora Bhopal … Ro rha he Bitiya ki bidaayee me.. ” (This is where Divyanka’s haldi and mehendi ceremony took place. This is how it looks now. It seems as if entire Bhopal is crying)

The picture was posted by Divyanka Tripathi’s fun club on Instagram.

Take a look:


Divyanka Tripathi  tied the knot with co-star Vivek Dahiya in a traditional wedding ceremony on July 08 in Bhopal in the presence of their family and close friends.

ALSO READ: This is what Karan Patel’s wife Ankita Bhargava said to Divyanka ahead of her MARRIAGE!

The pictures of the wedding were shared by the official Instagram account of TV show “Yeh Hai Mohabbatein,” which stars Divyanka, 31, in lead.

The newly-weds will also host a party in Mumbai for their industry friends.

The couple earlier shared pictures from their pre-wedding functions including sangeet, haldi and mehendi.

Divyanka and Vivek, who met while shooting “Yeh Hai Mohabbatein”, got engaged last year.